SP: +34629562629
DE : +491712 683618

Selling in Europe: Where to start?

Si quieres expandir tu negocio más allá de tus fronteras, una buena opción para comenzar es vender en Europa, puesto que su mercado no se ha detenido y ha ido creciendo continuamente en la última década. Dicho mercado es único de la UE y puedes beneficiarte de él notablemente, ya que la mayoría de los productos pueden circular libremente, sin...

5 Successful internationalisation cases of Spanish companies

Globalisation is a fact: the world is integrated in the economic, political, technological, social and cultural spheres. We live in an interconnected planet that has modified the way in which companies that want to be part of the global market interact.

What is the Ansoff matrix and how do we apply it?

BLOG CONTACT SP: +34629562629 DE : +491712 683618 What is the Ansoff matrix and how do we apply it? The market is always changing and evolving. For example, if you believed knowing your regular customers, you can be sure that they are not the same ones you had ten years ago or more. But not […]

Estrategia competitiva

What is competitive strategy and how do we use it to our advantage?

A company can improve its competitive strategy through various guidelines and decisions that contribute to achieving superior positions compared to other organisationsA company can improve its competitive strategy through various guidelines and decisions that contribute to achieving superior positions compared to other organisations...

Internacionalización empresas

Internationalisation of companies: stages and possible mistakes

BLOG CONTACT SP: +34629562629 DE : +491712 683618 Internationalisation of companies: stages and possible mistakes At some point the opportunity will come to internationalise your company and start on a new path to success. The steps that must be taken to achieve this goal are long and complex, however, it is an option for growth that opens […]

15 effective strategies for growth in 2021

BLOG CONTACT ES: +34629562629 DE : +491712 683618 15 effective strategies for growth in 2021 The Covid-19 pandemic is having a major impact on the lives of people around the world, both in their personal and professional lives. In some cases it has set back planned projects and in others it has even brought them […]

What does scaling a business look like? Differences between growing and scaling

BLOG CONTACT ES: +34629562629DE : +491712 683618 What does scaling a business look like? Differences between growing and scaling Growing a business is not the same as scaling a business. Although they may seem very similar, there is a big difference between the two terms that we as leaders or future leaders need to know […]

6 estrategias de expansión

How to expand the market value of your company? 6 strategies for expansion

BLOG CONTACT SP: +34629562629 DE : +491712 683618 How to expand the market value of your company? 6 strategies for expansion A company’s market share is the percentage of a company’s total sales in relation to the total sales of a specific sector. Let us take an example to better understand this concept: if about […]